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6-AMINO-M-CRESOLRUICOLOR 6AMC Used as Primary and Secondary intermediate for Permanent Hair DyesCAS:2835-98-5
2,4-DIAMINOPHENOXYETHANOL HYDROCHLORIDERUICOLOR 24DAPE Used as Primary and Secondary intermediate for Permanent Hair DyesCAS:66422-95-5
HC BLUE 16Ruicolor® HC Blue 16 is a rich and vibrant blue semi-permanent hair dye which can be used on its own to follow vibrant fashion trends or in combination with both direct and temporary hair dyes to crea...
Antibacterial Agent RJ-AB130RJ-AB130 has strong inhibition and killing effect for various bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, fungi, Trichophyton trifolii, and Trichophyton spp. Since the chemical binding ...
Masonry Water Repellent RJ-WP01(42%)RJ-WP01 is designed to impart water repellency to a wide variety of substances, especially the waterproof of the porous substrate.