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High Tear Strength Series RJ-9200Features:High Tear StrengthGood mechanical propertiesExcellent solvent, oil, fuel resistanceMaintains properties over a wide temperature range
General Application Series RJ-9100Features:Good mechanical propertiesExcellent solvent, oil, fuel resistanceMaintains properties over a wide temperature range
Dimethicone RJS-201-3cstINCI e Name : DimethiconeCas . No. : 9006-65-9Chemical structure:RJS-201-3 are linear polydimethylsiloxane, colorless, odorless, non-toxic and non- irritating. For a high affinity with skin, the produ...
Dimethicone RJS-201-2cstINCI e Name : DimethiconeCas . No. : 141-63-9Chemical structure:RJS-201-2 is a low viscosity, volatile polytdimethylsiloxane, colorless,odorless,non-toxic and non-irritating. For a high affinity with ...
Trisiloxane RJS-201-1cstINCI e Name : TrisiloxaneCas . No. : 107-51-7Chemical structure:RJS-201-1 is a low viscosity, volatile polytdimethylsiloxane, colorless, odorless, non-toxic and non- irritating. For a high affinity wi...