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Modified Emulsion RJ-6017-50RJ-6017-50 is a milky white emulsion release agent developed for aluminum die casting.Excellent demoulding effect with smooth and bright surface of goods, clear texture of mold. Excellent coating. Lat...
Neutral silicone sealant RJ-M610TRJ-M610T Silicone Sealant is one-component, neutral curing, general purpose construction silicone sealant with excellent adhesion to most common building material, specially designed for sealing in al...
Multifunctional amino silane RJ-AG517RJ-AG517 is mainly dedicated for use in adhesives & sealants to improve the adhesion of hybrid sealants, silicone sealants, two part polyurethanes and two part expoxies to inorganic surfaces and p...
Epoxy Silane Oligomer RJ-EP260RJ-EP260 is an epoxy functional silane oligomer, which can be used as an adhesion promoter in polysulfide, urethane, epoxy and acrylic caulks, sealants, adhesives and coatings. The product is a polyfu...
Vinyl Silane Oligomer RJ-090SORJ-090SO is vinyl silane oligomeric siloxane containing vinyl and methoxy groups.