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Ruichem USA, Inc. announces the appointment of J.F. Shelton Company as our distributor of Silicones and Silanes for the Western US and Western Canada.Ruichem USA, Inc. announces the appointment of J.F. Shelton Company as our distributor of Silicones and Silanes for the Western US and Western Canada. With over 45 years of servicing the Coatings, Adh...
Ruijiang in our eyesRuijiang Group is a chemical supplier that provides stable product quality, unique technical support, and high-quality services to customers all over the world. At present, Ruijiang Group has set up b...
We will be here:American coating show April 10-12_IndianapolisWe shall be here:American coating show April 10-12_Indianapolis Welcome to Ruisil booth 2986~ Ruisil, Consistent Quality Supplier For Silicones.INDIANA Convention Center100 S. Capitol Ave.Indianapolis...
Ruijiang Group Olympic 2017Ruijiang Group Olympic 2017 was held on Sept 11th. More than 200 athletes took part in the games.Parade of teams:Tug-of-war:Hoop rolling:Family game:Stick no fall:Five man running with six leg:Awards:
IN-COSMETICS LATIN AMERICA 2017Ruisil will attend the IN-COSMETICS LATIN AMERICA, September 20-21, 2017, at Expo Center Norte, São Paulo / SP BRASIL.Stand: J75.(